April 11, 2016

1. Make a new email address specifically for wedding planning

This will keep your in-box empty and your mind from going crazy.

2. Use bubble wrap on the bottom of flowers if you plan on having flowers floating in any decorations. This will stop them sinking.
3. When planning what earrings to wear know which ones

correctly match your face shape.

4. Throw sprinkles instead of roses at your wedding, they are bio-degradable, they will just melt away and the photos look fantastic using them.

5. Use colour coordinated sticky notes to figure out your seating plans. It will make it a lot easier to plan.

6. Use water and a foam brush to seal
your wedding invitations.Save yourself from a dry tongue and mouth. Remember Susan in Seinfeld lol.

7. Line your envelopes with your engagement pictures. It’s super cute and unique

8. For kids attending the wedding. Put one of these on each of their plates with a blank card.. “colour a card for the bride and groom”

9. For a super cute and easy detail, put old photos of the bride and
groom on the bathroom door at the reception venue

10. Use a personalized return address stamp to save time. Vista Print have some good inexpensive ones.
If you would like a Wedding Budget calculator to help keep you on track, just email me at janeblacket57@gmail.com and I will happily send it to you
Dark Room Diva