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Sidney Kidman Hotel Investigation

Main Street, Kapunda SA

19th April 2008


In Attendance:

Jane / Margie / Annie / Mandy / Ginny


We arrived at the Sidney Kidman Hotel at 7 pm. We were booked into the dining room for dinner. The atmosphere of the dining room was cold and unwelcoming, this is due primarily to the fact that the hotel was empty and is run down. Our hostess was a lovely woman named Heather. She bought the hotel 9 months previously and was running it on her own, with the help of her sons.


After dinner we went outside to the court yard area, we were joined soon after by some of the locals.


The Locals.

It didn't take long for us to be joined by some of the locals that were at the pub. The first person to approach us was a fellow named Davo, he was with another fella who joined us. They were pleasant guys who were curious as to why we were there.


I was watching them when I noticed another guy walk out of the hotel door into the court yard. I watched as he walked out then appeared to jump back, as if being hit by something, four or five times. He seemed a bit stunned and taken a back., I thought his behaviour rather odd and it was obvious our presence unsettled him at first.


Is name was Stevo, he approached us and introduced himself. His demeanour was a little odd especially as he seemed to step right into the other girls’ personal space. There was no hint that he was trying to ‘pick’ any of us up. he asked us if we were here on a spiritual level, which seemed like a strange thing to ask…. And rather accurate.


He then addressed us saying… "I’m a man’s sort of man, I live in a blokey world, but I experience things that I can’t talk to my mates about, can I talk to you girls". He noticed me watching him and came sat down next to me. He began by telling us that in his life he had been announced medically dead twice. Once when he was seven and again in his late teens. I asked him if he remembered anything about the experience, in which he replied, ‘yes, a white light, and after the second time I can see it coming from me. I can touch things, then it is played in my head like a video or film, I see things about people, about their lives” he told us that through the night he would come and talk to each of us.


During the night he did speak to each of us. Telling us he would be giving us a message. He moved into our personal space, eventually ending with his lips on our cheeks, he would then begin to blow lightly across our face, while appearing to be in a trance like mode. He told me that he had a message for me, but I would have to wait 4 – 5 weeks before I would get it, but it would come to me when it was needed.


He said similar things to Annie. Later he spoke to Margie and took her into the kitchen. He told her he had a woman with him who wanted to talk to her, he was unsure of the name but thought it was Maureen. Margie replied….. "close but not quite right". He then told Margie it was our Mum; whose name is Noreen. He asked her if she wanted to feel her, Margie went along and said yes. He moved into Margie and hugged her, holding her close. He then told her some things about herself and some issues she was dealing with, which were all accurate.


After this experience all of us felt the same thing, a numbness and a serenity. I can’t explain it, but it did feel like something was happening. His wife Izzy works at the pub and seemed happy that he was talking to us. She told me that he has a gift that he doesn’t understand, and it is causing him great stress and depression, because he cannot control it.   He describes himself as a person who can call on white light. He didn't appear a nutter or unbalanced, he genuinely appeared to be stressed and eager to speak to someone about what was happening to him.


The Pool Room

We went downstairs to one of the cellar rooms that had a pool table in it. It is reported that early in the 1900’s a woman and child were murdered in this room. The girls started a game of pool.

I was sitting on a stool and pulled out my camera. I mediated for a few minutes then asked if any spirits or energy were here that we come in peace and would love to be able to photograph them if they would allow it. I decided to also ask if any of the girls had their guides here would they please protect us while we are here, in case we run into any malevolent energy’s. I then took a photo and was surprised to see that one each woman in view there was a bright Orb appearing on them.

Were these our guides appearing because we asked?


The Cellars

Stevo’s wife, Izzy, arranged with the owner (Heather) for us to go down into the cellars, which are normally off limits to the public.

We went down a stair case which had a long hallway running across it. Off the hallway were 4 – five small tunnels that lead to rooms. The place was pitch dark and in rather poor condition.  We stayed about 30 mins, taking photographs of every inch. The atmosphere was oppressive, except in the front cellar under the front bar, where we could hear the music blaring above us. We were able to capture photos in each room that had Orbs in them. We decided that we needed to come back again to do a more thorough investigation.


The Kapunda Town Cemetery

We arrived at the cemetery just after midnight. As soon as we got there I had an overwhelming feeling of in trepidation come over me, which is unusual. I couldn’t talk the girls out of going in.


We wandered around the cemetery for about 30 mins, taking photographs as we did. There was a full moon, so the place was lit up quite well. In the middle of the cemetery we came across a road that was lined with trees, that lead up to the old church. I was with Annie and Ginny; Margie and Mandy were down at the bottom of the road.


Suddenly I got an uneasy feeling and started to feel nauseas in my stomach, which I told the girls.

I wanted to leave as a strong feeling of being watched came over me. As I told the girls I wanted to leave NOW…. we all suddenly felt a cold grip us. The temperature seemed to drop drastically, which we all mentioned at the same time. I had on a big fake fur jacket and was not cold at all, until suddenly I felt the inside of my coat become almost chilled, the temperature round my hands was nowhere near as cold.  The girls agreed with me that it was time to go. As I left I turned and took a photo behind us, where I felt we were being watched from. In that photo there is a bright red Orb just behind Annie and a large yellowish mist. I could see it from the camera screen and we got out of there as quickly as possible.


The feeling we all had as we left was that we were almost being pushed out; the cold followed us until we got out of the grounds.

The photos we took all contain anomalies of bright and different coloured Orbs.

Was there an energy that didn't want us there that caused my nausea and the cold?

My nausea left a few minutes after we drove away.


Strange Camera Download Occurrence

When I got home I downloaded the photos I took into my computer and went through them, logging anomalies that appear in photos.

It took a few hours before I realised that the photos which were all numbered in sequence were out of order.


The order that we took photos was

The Pool Room

The Cellar

The Cemetery.


The download and sequence had them in a different order.

The Pool Room

The Cemetery

The Cellars


How can this happen. How can photos change the order in which they were taken?


I was using my Digital Nikon Coolpix Camera, which I have taken literally thousands upon thousands of photos. This has never happened before.  Is it possible for a camera to change the sequence that photos are taken?   Or is it possible that the presence we felt at the cemetery could mischievously cause this, leaving us a reminder to leave things alone after we left??



With the anomalies appearing in so many of the photos, the feelings of being watched and the anomalies with the photo sequence we decided it would be worthwhile to re-visit Kapunda again, starting earlier in the day and maybe to hold a séance to see if any activity is present.


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